In the last period Google penalizes the SAPE users, why is that possible? Simple: since you use the same methods of submitting to websites with not readable content is creating a pattern that is penalized by the new algorithms implemented by them. Also, for Google was so easy to find out all the SAPE network since they use the same pattern and they let same kind of trace all over. Usually all the SAPE network blogs had page rank 0, this is also an important trace, Google can easily detect all these traces, we all know that page rank 0 websites are not giving good rankings.
Conclusion: SAPE Network is DEAD and will be impossible a magical resuscitation.
Why we had to use SAPE Network for so many times?
Because until now there were no alternatives but if you look more and deeper into this forum and not only you'll find many other options and variants far more capable to help than to destroy your website. I've seen that people are talking about the new Senuke XCR, agree that it was a great tool in the past but who wants to pay for a tool that is cracked each 24 hours after they release a new version? Why should I pay for something that I get for free and for sure why should I use it since all of websites included in Senuke are spammed a lot by all non legit users that are using cracks.
The solution is to search for better and secure options, I'm using Money Robot submitter for all my websites (7 of them), all are in the Travel and Hotel business and I was never penalized by Google, Bing or Yahoo. I would share the reports but for the moment our company policy doesn't allow it but the using of Money Robot Submitter was one of the greatest option ever that we toke regarding the Internet Marketing so far. At this moment we're capable to create with Money Robot Submitter our own private blog networks with unlimited blogs about our products boosting the traffic to all our website and creating a perfect diagram between our backlinks.
Conclusion: SAPE Network is DEAD and will be impossible a magical resuscitation.
Why we had to use SAPE Network for so many times?
Because until now there were no alternatives but if you look more and deeper into this forum and not only you'll find many other options and variants far more capable to help than to destroy your website. I've seen that people are talking about the new Senuke XCR, agree that it was a great tool in the past but who wants to pay for a tool that is cracked each 24 hours after they release a new version? Why should I pay for something that I get for free and for sure why should I use it since all of websites included in Senuke are spammed a lot by all non legit users that are using cracks.
The solution is to search for better and secure options, I'm using Money Robot submitter for all my websites (7 of them), all are in the Travel and Hotel business and I was never penalized by Google, Bing or Yahoo. I would share the reports but for the moment our company policy doesn't allow it but the using of Money Robot Submitter was one of the greatest option ever that we toke regarding the Internet Marketing so far. At this moment we're capable to create with Money Robot Submitter our own private blog networks with unlimited blogs about our products boosting the traffic to all our website and creating a perfect diagram between our backlinks.